Jan 23, 2011

csv the easy way

I've recently started using FogCreek's FogBugz project hosting for a small personal project. It has a built-in Mercurial source repository, with some enhancements, called Kiln, and good task/ project tracking features. Quite similar to those you find in Trac. Rather than putting together the various servers to track my own project, I figured I might as well use what they give away for free, for small project teams. I had a list of tasks that I wanted to import into the FogBugz task list, from a CSV file. In fact, this was a CSV file I'd exported from a different FogBugz site, but it could well have been any list of comma seperated values holding task information. The trick was how to get that information from my computer onto the FogBugz site. They didn't have any obvious CSV import option, but they do publish an XML API. Luckily enough, there is also a set of python bindings around the API. Amazingly enough, I was able to open and read the CSV file, parse it, login in to my FogBugz account and upload the new tasks to the server with just this little snippet of code.

from fogbugz import FogBugz
import csv
fb = FogBugz('http://my_site.fogbugz.com/') # URL is to your FogBugz install
fb.logon('my_login@my.site.com', 'password')

cases=csv.reader(open('Filter.csv','r')) for case in cases: print case fb.new(sCategory=case[0], sTitle=case[3], sPriority=case[7])


Pretty cool if you ask me! Quick and dirty, throwaway code, but so powerful for so few lines.

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